Low-head microhydro systems for energy production are becoming accepted because of oil crises and new advances in their\r\ndesign and efficiencies. As this is still a new area for development and experimentation, it is important to test and validate\r\nthe optimal conditions and the hydrodynamic behaviour of such systems under different conditions. The aim of this paper is\r\nto present a turbine design validation practise, which researchers and equipment manufactures can use for the hydrodynamic\r\nbehaviour analysis of new low-head turbines prior to production and application. Laboratory experimental tests and advanced\r\nCFD numerical analysis are described for the flow behaviour analysis of a new prototype microtubular propeller. Laboratory\r\nexperimental results are presented and used for the evaluation of the turbine performance curves. Comparisons between\r\nexperimental and CFD results are also presented. Finally, an assessment of the hydrodynamic behaviour is made for a scaled\r\nmodel application, using the theory of turbomachine similarity.